We're defining a task called "min:js" and specifying that it do three things: Paths.minCss = paths.webroot + "css/**/*.min.css" Paths.css = paths.webroot + "css/**/*.css" Paths.minJs = paths.webroot + "js/**/*.min.js" Now let's look at this file, created by Visual Studio 2015 in an ASP.NET Core 1.0 Release Candidate 1 project: /// In ASP.NET Core projects, Gulp.js and Visual Studio use a file called gulpfile.js to define and bind tasks (we'll get into what "binding" a task means just a bit further down). (NOTE: because Gulp.js performs bundling and minification, I'd be willing to bet that the default MVC bundling and minification will be disappearing at some point in the future) The Default Gulpfile.js In short, Gulp.js makes these processes part of the build for your application. Gulp.js provides a set of automation tools that allow us developers to automate common processes, such as bundling and minification of CSS and JS files. Gulp.js bills itself as the "streaming build system". For this project, we're using Gulp.js as our task runner, so the rest of this demo will use Gulp.js. Visual Studio includes native support for Grunt.js and Gulp.js task runners, and each of these is designed to make building client-side resources easier. In Visual Studio, a Task Runner contains collection of "tasks" that can be executed either on demand, or automated as part of a build process. Let's see if we can understand what a Task Runner is, what Gulp.js can do for us, and how using these makes building our applications a little bit easier. We're brand new to this idea, and my personal philosophy is What I don't understand, I cannot change, so obviously I need to understand these pieces of tech before I can hope to use them properly.

We're setting up a new ASP.NET 5 ASP.NET Core 1.0 project in Visual Studio 2015, and my team is trying to get used to the idea of "Task Runners" such as Grunt.js or Gulp.js.